FreshCUP™ can wash and sanitize 200 cups an hour. This is more than most cafes use.
Your cleaning person’s time is also valuable and will be more efficiently utilized with FreshCUP™ in your kitchen. Both the cleaning person and secretary will be able to contribute to overall office efficiency and thereby enjoy greater self esteem rather than waste time washing cups with a germ-ridden sponge.
Yes, according to well documented research, most kitchen sponges transfer a great number of germs and bacteria from cup to cup. FreshCUP™’s detergents eliminate all germs and bacteria colonies. This helps to avoid sickness and lost work hours.
Do you use them at home? Besides, they are costly, polluting, wasteful, take up space, harmful to the environment, and do not provide the feeling of quality you get from drinking from a ceramic cup washed in germ-free FreshCUP™.
No, FreshCUP™ detergents are 100% biodegradable which means that the two opposite pH detergents neutralize each other after utilizing their full strength undiluted chemical properties during the 30 second cleaning process, and then flush away as neutral as water.
No, FreshCUP™ detergent cartridges will (depending on model) wash between 600 to 800 cups. A controlled amount is sprayed onto the cups during every cycle unlike other cleansers which are cheaper but get used up faster. Also FreshCUP™uses only 0.6 Lit. of water per cup compared with 2.5 Lit. during hand washing.
True FreshCUP™ is a new machine in the office, but so were faxes, computers, cell-phones, etc. and they are not considered luxuries now. Also ensuring employee health and reducing absenteeism is surely no luxury.
FreshCUP™ connects to any cold water pipe and it’s special piggy-back detachable heater will heat the water to 80˚C (176˚F). Standard installation takes less than an hour and requires electricity & drainage just as any regular dishwasher.
FreshCUP’s, is to a dishwasher what a microwave is to an oven. FreshCUP™ will wash cups in 30 seconds while a dishwasher takes a long time to fill and then runs 45 min., while you need a clean cup NOW. FreshCUP is the answer.
Yes, hundreds of cafes & restaurants enjoy using FreshCUP™.
FreshCUP™ can be run continuously in high traffic areas when fitted with a 3kw heater, and prides itself on state-of-the-art top quality. A full one year product warranty is included.
FreshCUP™ cuts out unproductive time spent in the kitchen. Reduces absenteeism caused by unsanitized cups. Eliminates wasted time on cleaning arguments and contributes to an overall pleasant office environment.