The problem has been around for years, waiting for a smart solution. Office workers prefer to drink from ceramic, porcelain, or china cups, but don't like to wash them. Cups are either rinsed quickly (and basically stay dirty) or are left in the sink until the cleaner comes at the end of the day. Apart from the aesthetic arguments, there is also the question of office hygiene. Research has shown that the average office cup, used by several people, can carry a high number of infectious germs and contribute to the spread of disease.
All these reasons provided the justification for developing FreshCUP™, the world's first cup-washing machine designed for the office environment. It has the unique ability to clean and sanitize cups in seconds.
Product Details
FreshCUP™ Is a compact cup washer,measuring 12inW x 14inD x 17inH and weighing 14 lbs. It is small enough to fit into any office kitchen space or even sit on a shelf, and requires a water supply and outlet. The water consumption is 600cc per cup.
FreshCUP™ will clean and sanitize 2-3 cups every 30 seconds, and can be operated for just one cup or continuously for a pile of cups. The machine is operated by pressing one button. The water is heated so that the cleaned cups dry themselves by water evaporation.
The detergent, FreshCUP™ 1·2 BIOCLEANSER, comes in a convenient snap-in cartridge which is quickly replaced after 400-600 cup washes. The BIOCLEANSER cartridge contains two separate detergents, is a patented proprietary formulation of DeeAy and is totally ecologically-friendly. The cartridge is recyclable and thereby helps to promote the quality of the environment.
FreshCUP™'s technical advancements feature a dedicated water heater which elegantly attaches to the back of the unit. The unit heats water faster and to higher temperatures than any comparative heater on the market, thereby allowing cups to be cleaned and dried more efficiently. New refinements and applications are constantly being added.
The advantages of FreshCUP™ are: reducing the need for cleaning services; saving employee work-time and sick-time; providing an economic alternative to the cost and detriment of disposable cups; improving the quality of office life; and fitting the available space in almost every office kitchenette. The product carries the approvals of UL, TUV/GS, and CE as well as the Israel Standards Institute.
One of the major marketing attractions of FreshCUP™ is its broad application. Apart from serving offices of every size, this innovation is ideal for shops, showrooms, bars, beauty salons, and other commercial and service enterprises.
It suits institutions such as hospitals and senior citizen homes. It is excellent for the teacher lounges in educational facilities and for apartment hotels. A new application in the Dental field is now being launched.
To the company's knowledge, there are as yet no direct competitors to FreshCUP™ on the market. Existing washing methods do not provide an adequate solution to specific office needs. Disposable cups are neither ecological nor popular with regular staff. They also do not provide a quality image for special guests. Hand-washing is usually avoided, and in any case poorly done. Small dishwashers are too large and slow to handle the cup-washing problem.